Sunday, March 4, 2012

Between Sinners and Saints by Marie Sexton


This was a terrific book. I had expected it to be good, it's had great ratings and from what I've heard, positive reviews, but I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did. Damned thing made me cry!!

It didn't take long for me to fall for both the main characters, Levi and Jaime. They became very real for me very quickly. Both damaged and hurt in their own way, coping - barely - as they get through day after day. I loved their journey, their friendship, their growing trust and their love story. It took some time to grow and blossom and that worked really well for me. I really was enthralled from beginning to end. 

Every sex scene seemed hotter than the last, and more needed than the last, if that makes sense. :) God, even Levi just taking Jaime's hand at one point was hotter than hot! And Levi's family. They were REAL, every last one of them! And they all have faults. Every last character in this book has faults and they're all so human! The only one who's perfect is Dolly, the dog! :) 

There were so many tender, lovely moments that touched my heart. And some funny ones too. And heart-breaking moments. I will admit to being rather ambivalent about the religion angle at first, but the author weaves her tale so well, weaves the Mormon into the fabric of the story so that it fits perfectly and provides reason and motivation and even some education. I was brought up Roman Catholic (lapsed now) and while the two religions are very different, the way of life was very familiar to me. I understood Levi SO well and loved every time he would explain things to Jaime. And the last thing I loved about this book was that Jaime is a redhead! YES! A ginger MC!! *two thumbs up*

Yeah, I loved it to bits! And I would recommend it to anyone and everyone. :)

Thank you, Heidi C! It was your review and rating that sealed the deal for me and determined that I had to read this book. :)

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